Friday, September 25, 2009

Plastic Canvas-Stitches

Tent stitch 
This is the basic stitch that is used on most patterns. It is used to fill the canvas. The stitch with slight variations are also known as Continental, Half cross and Basket weave stitch.  Start the stitching by leaving about 1" tail of yarn on the back side and bring the threaded needle up at 1 and all odd numbers and down at 2 and all even numbers. All stitches are done in this left to right manner. This stitch is worked in horizontal or vertical rows as per instruction.
Overcast Stitch
This stitch is used to finish off the unstitched edge of a project. This stitch covers the edge of the canvas and also is used to join pieces of canvas. It may be necessary to go through the same hole more than once to get an even coverage on the edge, especially at the corners.  When two pieces of a pattern has to be joined, place them back to back (with the wrong sides or the right sides together). Make sure the edges being joined are even and do the overcast stitches where they should be joined.
Scotch Stitch
This stitch forms a square. It may be worked over three or more horizontal lines or holes of the canvas by three or more vertical lines or holes of the canvas, to form a square. The  figure shows the stitch worked over three lines or holes of the canvas. 


Design 1
Materials needed: 
  • one or two sheets of 7 mesh (count) plastic canvas
  • Worsted weighted Yarn
  • #16 tapestry Needle
Stitching Instructions: 
The coaster Size 4"w x 4"h each. Follow chart and use Tent stitch to fill the canvas and the flowers and overcast stitches on edges, to work Coasters. Use colours of your choice. Here we have used red for the petals and a darker red as an outline, yellow for flower centre and two shades of green for the leaves. Stitch according to the design given.  If backing is desired, you can use cork or felt by cutting slightly smaller than coaster and gluing on the wrong side of the stitched piece.
coast11-copy.jpg (279458 bytes)
Final Product

Design 2

Materials Needed:
  • Two sheets of 7 mesh (count) plastic canvas
  • Worsted weighted Yarn colours yellow, mustard, green and black or as per your choice. 
  • #16 tapestry Needle

Stitching Instructions:
Stitch according to pattern using tent stitch and overcast stitch.
Cut excess canvas off, be sure to leave one single line around the stitching.

coaf.jpg (194902 bytes)
Final Product
Design 3
Materials Needed:
  • 4" diameter plastic canvas circle
  • Worsted weighted Yarn colours yellow, mustard, green and black or as per your choice. 
  • #16 tapestry Needle
Stitching Instructions:
Look at the enlarge design and do tent stitch for the flower and for the background and overcast stitches  around the edges of the circle.  Give colour variants given in the design with shades of your choice.

u get many more from here...

roundf.jpg (153980 bytes)
Final Product