Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Different types of Dough's...


1 cup corn flour (below the rim of a cup)
1 cup german white glue (above the rim of a cup)
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of glecerien
use equal quantity of cups in glue n corn flour
now in bowl mix glue slowly slowly in corn flour then add lemon juice and mix then after that mix glecerien so no lumps are formed. Then pour the mixture in the pan and cook ,cook until all the dough is combined together with the spoon and leaves the pan from sides.
then mix the hot dough on any slab and kneed it with petroleum jelly and then put it in the shopper and let it cool down when cooled then again kneed it and put in airtight bag then mix oil colors after 1 day and then use ure dough after a day and make anything u want to make.
(try to use NONSTICK PAN ans WOODEN SPOON to cookthe dough)
try it and tell me!

What types of colours should be added to I C D?
i use all types of colors, like food colors, cloth dyes, fabric paints, poster color, water color, and the results are different from each other but interesting too.

u can add oil paints too!

Baking Clay recipe

Things you will need:
Flour 1 cup
Salt ½ cup
Oil 1 tbs
Water 1 cup or more
Sift flour in a bowl, add salt and oil.
Mix well with hands.
Start pouring in water and keep mixing with hands.
Stop adding water when it takes the shape of dough but it must not be too hard or too soft.
Make items and bake on foil covered baking tray.
Bake at 300 degree F (150 degree C) for about 1/2 hour or until hard.
Cool the pieces, then paint and varnish.

Bread dough recipe

Things you will need:
White bread 2 slices
German white glue 2 tsp
Water 2 tbs (if necessary)
Cut the edges of slices and use only white portion.
Tear the slices with hands or cut with knife into small pieces.
Add glue and mix well.
Add water if necessary but 1 tsp at a time.
Knead the mixture until smooth and no longer sticky.
Add more bread if dough is too sticky or too soft to handle.
If dough is crumbly, add more glue.
Add colours in dough and knead well.
Keep the dough in air-tight plastic bag, greased with cooking oil.
Store in refrigerator.
Do not eat, freeze, cook or bake.
Use unflavoured white bread.
Items will dry overnight.
No need to paint or varnish.

Glue Dough Recipe
Things you'll need:
Cornflour 1 cup
German white glue 1/2 cup
Water 1 tsp or so(if required)
Take cornflour in a bowl, pour in the glue and mix well with hands until it mixes in the form of soft dough.
Add water if required.
If the dough is hard and crumbly, add a bit more glue and if the dough is too soft to handle, add a bit more cornflour.
Store in a plastic bag greased with petroleum jelly.
Keep the dough air-tight, as it dries more quickly than Italian craft dough.

Home made Glue recipe

Things you will need:
Cornstarch/Cornflour/White flour 2-4 tbs
Water 1 cup
Salt 1/2 tsp


Sift Cornstarch/Cornflour/White flour, add salt and water.

Mix well until smooth paste forms.

Cook the mixture on stove on medium heat, stirring constantly.

When the mixture starts boiling, slow the heat but keep stirring.

Cook until it becomes thick paste but still sticky.

Remove from stove and let it cool completely.

It will look jelly-like.

Store it in an air-tight plastic bag in refrigerator.

Do not eat, freeze or bake.

Use within a week.

Italian Craft Dough Recipe

The Italian Craft Dough has to be cooked. It is cooked on stove but can be cooked in microwave too.
In the following recipe, we have used the microwave but if you dont have microwave, you can follow the steps that will be described at the end
of this page.
1. You'll Need:
1 cup cornflour,
1 cup german white glue,
1/4 cup water,
1 tsp lemon juice,
1 tsp glycerine,
plus 1 tbs of petroleum jelly for later use.
2nd step.
Pour the white glue in a pot that can be kept in microwave.
3rd step.
Mix in it the water until homogenous.
4th step.
Its consistency will be like this:
5th step.
Then mix in the cornflour one tablespoon at a time, mixing well between additions.
6th step.
Mix until there will be no lump.
7th step.
Then add lemon juice. Mix well.
8th step.
Add glycerine, mix well.
9th step.
Divide the mixture in two same proportions or according to your pots. The layer of mixture mustn't be too thick.
10th step.
Keep the mixture in microwave for about 2 minutes.
11th step.
When you'll take out the pots, the dough will be like this; cooked from the sides and liquid from the inside. Take out the cooked portion and put the mixture back in the microwave for two more minutes.
12th step.
Grease a polyethene bag with petroleum jelly and put the cooked mixture in it.
13th step.
Knead the mixture that now is in the form of dough. Use the cloth between your hands and bag as the dough is too hot.
14th step.
Let the dough cool for few minutes in the bag but it must not be closed. Its ready when cool enough to handle with bare hands. Then knead it again between palms to make it more stable.
The Stove Recipe
Follow the steps 1-8 but on the 2nd step, use a non-stick pan or aluminium one like this for mixing and cooking the mixture,
After following the eight steps, put the pan on the stove on medium heat.
Take a flat wooden spoon and stir the mixture constantly, so not to stick to the bottom of pan.
Take a flat wooden spoon and stir the mixture constantly, so not to stick to the bottom of pan.
When mixture starts to cook, lower the heat but stir constantly.
The mixture will start to take the shape of ball and will get stick to the spoon.
Cook the mixture until when you touch it, it will no longer be sticky.
Do not cook it too much or it will turn into rubber form.
It will be transparent from the outside but you can see the milky white color in the centre.
Take it out of pan and follow the steps 12-14.
To read the precautions and tips related to Italian Craft Dough

Tips and Tricks

Things to Remember

* Use a non-stick pan or aluminium utensil for cooking.

* Use flat wooden spoon.

* First cook on medium heat, when the mixture starts to cook, slow it down.

* Keep yourself away from its steam when the dough is cooked or cooking; its steam can cause pain and burning in eyes.

* When kneading the hot dough, use a towel over the bag of dough to protect hands from burning.

* After kneading the dough, open up the plastic bag to let go the steam completely. If you don't, then dough will become too sticky and wet, in short it will be ruined.

* When completely cooled, knead the dough in small batches with fingers.

* Mix in white poster colour after one day.

* Colours can be mixed the same day after mixing the white colour.

* Use dough after one day of colour-mixing to get good results.

* Keep the dough air-tight in a plastic bag.

* Lemon juice can be replaced with white vinegar.

* Glycerine can be replaced with cooking oil or baby oil.

* Cold cream can be used instead of petroleum jelly but its not as greasy as the latter and you will have to use it more than petroleum jelly.

Things to remember before making items

* The ICD shrinks after drying, so make about 20% bigger items because after drying they will become small in size.

* The colors mixed in the dough must be a little lighter than required, because after drying, their color will darken.

* Your nails should be cut small or they will cut out the small petals or can leave impressions on flowers.

* Grease the ICD stick with petroleum jelly before using.

* Grease the blades of scissors carefully before cutting petals.

* Small flowers and leaves dry overnight.

* Roses, thick flowers and jewelry takes maximum 24 hours to dry completely.

* Toothpicks, darning needle or sewing needles can be used to give impressions on small flowers and leaves.

Making flowers on Wires - Roses

* First make central bud.

* Cut out wire of desired length plus half inch more. Apply some glue on its one end.

* Insert the glued-end into the bud from the bottom side in the middle passing about half the length of bud.

* Place bud on a piece of sponge/foam to dry.

* When the bud dries completely, then make three small petals and stick them to bud with the help of glue.

* Now you can wait to dry them too or make five large petals and glue them too.

* Put the rose straight in a vase or in a bottle to dry completely.

For Other Flowers

* Make the central part of flower first and insert wire into them just like for rose and let them dry.

* Join the petals to the central part using glue.

* Let the flowers dry upside-down on sponge/foam.

Papier Mache paste recipe
Things you will need:
Flour 1 cup
Water 1 ½ cups
Salt 1 tbs

Sift flour, add salt and mix well.

Stir in water.

The mixture must not be too runny or too thick.

Add more flour if its runny, add more water, if its thick.

It must be sticky enough.

To check its stickiness, dip in it a strip of newspaper and then clean it. If it still sticks, it means the paste is ready to use, if not then add more flour.

Store it in air-tight plastic bag in refrigerator.

Use within a week.

Do not eat, freeze, cook or bake.

Salt Dough Recipe
Things you will need:
Salt 1 cup (use sea salt or powdered salt)
Cornstarch ½ cups
Water 1 cup

Mix salt and cornstarch in a saucepan, stir in water until smooth.

Cook the mixture on stove on medium heat, stirring constantly.

When mixture starts boiling, slow up the heat but continue stirring.

When the mixture takes the shape of a ball, remove from stove and let it cool enough to touch.

Grease a plain, clean surface with cooking oil.

Knead the dough on it.

Cover the dough with a damp cloth until completely cool.

Keep the dough air-tight in a plastic bag.

Store it in the refrigerator.

Do not eat, freeze or bake.

Items will take a day to dry completely.

Paint the items after drying and finish the pieces with clear varnish.

Zinc Chalk Dough Recipe
You will need:
Zinc powder 1\2 cup
Chalk powder 1\2 cup
White glue 1\4 cup or required
Water 1 tsp
Cold cream 1 tsp


Mix both powders first in a bowl.

Add glue to the mixture one tablespoon at a time and mixing it with hands.

Add water if needed.

Keep mixing it with fingers until it can be shaped into a ball. The dough should be smooth, without any lumps.

Apply some cold cream on the dough ball.

Grease a plastic bag with cold cream and keep dough in it air-tight.

Create some simple shapes first to see what this dough can make for you.

*Its better to wear gloves while kneading this dough!

This dough is not edible.

Do not cook, bake or freeze the dough.

Store it air-tight at room temperature.

It can be stored for 1 month or so.

Items dry overnight.

After drying, paint and varnish finish.

Italian Craft Dough (ICD)
It is basically a mixture of cornflour, glue and water that appear like a dough(for example cookie dough). The mixture is then cooked and cooled for a while, then colors are added to it.

1 cup cornflour
1 cup german white glue
1/4 cup water
1 tsp glycerine
1 tsp lemon juice
mix water and glue. add cornflour one tbs at a time. mix well. add glycerine and lemon juice. cook this mixture in non-stick pan with a wooden spoon on med-low fire. stir constantly. when become ball-like and non-sticky, remove from heat. take a plastic bag, grease with petroleum jelly and then put cooked dough in it. knead it. then let the warm air go. add colour after one day. keep it air-tight.[:-)]

This dough is used to make flowers specially and they just look like real flowers.

You can have the idea from display picture!!!

Checkout more here...


tiles, 2 similar greetings(with out any glitters),duco(brand)lacquer,sheenlac(brand)thinner,fevicol, water,2 flat brush1"(one for lacquer and other for fevicol)000brush , water colour, oil paint just one colour to match ur card, white cloth, belan, chalk powder,rag cloth,turpentine
1)clean tiles
2)mix fevicol with water just good enought to paint
3)mix lacquer with thinner1:2( too much of thinner will give net effect,too much of lacquer will give foggy effect)
4)apply horizontally lacquer on back of one of the cards and let it dry then apply vertically and let it dry then repeat the same in the front.
5) now take the other card apply horrizontally and vertically lacquer just in the front and let it dry.
6)now tear the edges of this card upwards (unevenly)so that u can c thin white paper.
7)apply fevicol mixture on the back of this card
8)stick this card on tiles and cover it with white wet cloth(dip the cloth in water and squeeze the water completely) and roll it with belan from inside to towards the edges. This remove ant air locked inbetween.

9)now using rag cloth dipped in turpentine appaly oil paint on the white edges in circular motion. dont worry id it gets inside ur picture as it can be wiped immediately with white cloth.
10)now make dough with chalk powder fevicol .
11)cut the card picture parts that u want to have embossed effect and with some small blunt tool (like pensil back)shape it by slightly pressing from inside to towards the edge . it will curve the parts
12) now apply fevicol on this and the place on which this will be stuck . and place a small dough and stick the small part.(HOPE U CAN UNDERSTAND .OH! TRYING BY BEST TO EXPLAIN THRU WRITING)it will be difficult to stick first but will get to know the tech .
13) complete all the parts . and now using 00 brush and water colour paint the edges of the stuck part to match with its surrounding( so that u cant see the cut and stuck place)
14)now apply lacquer horizontally let it dry and then vertically . repeat this 2 more time(horizontal and vertical painitng)
15) now apply fevicol mixture horizontally let dry then vertically 2 times
16) again repeat step 14 and 15 5 times. this really makes the stuck figure merged with base card

17)finish it of with the final lacquer and clean the edges.
when u paint lacquer sometimes by mistake we might paint it on tiles too so to remove that use ear bud dipped in nail polish remover.

HOPE U CAN UNDERSTAND.PLZ WRITE UR COMMENTS. have a look at picture in my album so that u might get the idea of what i am telling.

lacquer u get in hardware shop.its used by carpenters and painters to add gloss to their finish.
lacqure is applied on card thats stuck on tile because when u use oilpaint to colour the white edges , if by mistake the colour gets into our picture it can be wipped off.
on the card thats going to be cut because when shaping it will not tear the card and make it easy to shape

Some pictures to Decoupage




