Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Red Flip Flops

Red Flip Flops
Red Flip Flops

Designed by: Amy Law
Skill Level: Beginner
  Materials needed:
• one pair of flip flops (target)
• 1/4” treasure tape
• scissors
• Treasure It Diamond Beadlets
• Mrs. K’s Dimensional Thread: #16 Braid 032, 321J 1/8” Ribbon 018V, #12 Braid 003V

1. Apply your 1/4” tape in two strips to the top of the plastic straps on one flip-flop.
2. Peel back the red liner from both sides.
3. Beginning as close to one end of the strap as possible, use the 018V thread to create a border along the bottom of the tape. Add a second border inside the blue using your gold thread. Using the white, create a zig zag across the remaining space on the tape.
4. Peel one small star from your sheet of Tape Shapes, and place it over the center of your strap. Peel back the red liner, and begin embellishing with the red thread. Start between two arms of the star and outline the edge of the star shape, continuing along the inside of the shape until the whole star is covered.
5. Place your flip flop in a ziploc bag or a shallow tray, and pour Diamond Beadlets over the exposed tape. Tap gently to remove excess beadlets.
Repeat this process with your second flip-flop, and enjoy!

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