Sunday, September 20, 2009

Pansy Bedspread

Materials: # 7 steel crochet hook ; "Knit-Cro-Sheen" in the following amounts: single size (72 x 105 inches excluding edging) requires 49 balls white, 22 balls shaded purple, 26 balls green and 3 balls yellow. Double size (83 x 105 inches) requires 56 balls white, 25 balls shaded purple, 29 balls green and 4 balls yellow.

Crochet Pattern Collection! 317 One-of-a-kind Vintage Crochet Patterns That Are Over 100 Years Old!

Abbreviations: st (stitch) dc (double crochet) ch (chain) tr (treble) sl St (slip stitch) sp (space) pc st (popcorn stitch) rnd (round) hdc (half double crochet) lp (loop) sc (single crochet) sk (skip).
Pansy Motif: (make 4): Starting at center with yellow, ch 5. Join with sl st to form ring.
Rnd 1: Ch 1, in ring make (sc, ch 3) 4 times, pc st and ch 3, (to make a pc st, make 5 dc in designated place, drop lp off hook, insert hook in first dc of 5 dc group and draw dropped lp through, ch 1 to fasten). Join to first sc (5 yellow lps). Fasten off.
Rnd 2: Join purple in joining, ch 1, (Sc in next sc, ch 5) 4 times. Join as before (4 purple lps).
Rnd 3: Holding purple lps to back of work and out of the way, in each of next 3 yellow lps on first rnd make sc, 5 dc and sc (3 small petals made), in each of next 2 yellow lps make sc, 2 dc, 3 tr, 2 dc and sc (2 large petals made). Do not join.
Rnd 4: Across first small petal make sl st in first sc, ch 3, 2 dc in next 4 dc, 2 sc in next dc and sc in last sc, across next small petal make sl st in first sc, ch 3, 2 dc in next 5 dc, ch 3 and sl st in last sc, across next small petal make sc in first sc, 2 sc in next dc, 2 dc in next 4 dc, ch 3 and sl st in last sc, across each of next 2 large petals make sc in first sc, 2 dc in next dc, 3 tr in next 5 sts, 2 dc in next dc and sc in last sc. Join to first st. Fasten off.
Rnd 5: Join green to center of any purple lp on second rnd, ch 6. 3 dc in lp, in each of next 3 lps make 4 dc, ch 3 and 3 dc, 3 dc in first lp. Join to third ch st of ch 6 (4 sps). Drop green.
Note: On next 2 rnds, always work over strand of unused color to conceal and carry it across section being made.
Rnd 6: Leaving a 4-inch end, draw a white lp through lp on hook, ch 2, working over white end and green strand, in next sp with white make 2 dc, ch 3 and 2 dc (shell made), * dc in next dc changing to green—to change colors with color in use, complete a dc to point where 2 lps remain on hook, drop color, with new color complete dc, with green make (pc st in next dc, dc in next dc) twice, changing to white when making 5th dc of pc st, make a pc st in next dc, white dc in next dc, white shell in next sp, repeat from * around, ending with pc st in last dc, changing to white as before. With white, join to top of ch 2.
Rnd 7: With white, ch 3, dc in next 2 dc, * with white make shell in next shell, dc in next 3 dc and dc in top of next pc st changing to green, with green make pc st in next dc, dc in top of next pc st and changing to white as on rnd 6, pc st in next dc, with white make dc in top of next pc st, dc in next 3 dc, repeat from * around, ending with a white dc in last pc st. Join to top of ch 3. Fasten off and join green.
Rnd 8: Ch 3, dc in next 4 dc, * shell in next shell, dc in next 6 dc, dc in top of next pc st, dc in next dc, dc in top of next pc st, dc in next 6 dc, repeat from * around, ending with dc in last dc. Join as before. Fasten off (19 dc on each side of motif).
Pansy Block: Leaving corner chains free and picking up back lps only, neatly sew 19 dc on side of 4 motifs together, having large petals of pansies in outer corners. Note: If desired, for greater strength use a matching strand of nylon sewing thread together with crochet thread when sewing motifs together. Make 124 blocks for single size or 143 blocks for double size spread.
Plain Block: Starting at center with white, ch 6. Join to form ring.
Rnd 1: Ch 3, in ring make 4 dc and (ch 3, 5 dc) 3 times, ch 1, hdc in top of ch 3 to form last sp.
Rnds 2 through 5: Ch 3, dc in sp just formed and in top of ch 3 (same place as hdc was made), * dc in each dc across to within next sp, shell in next sp, repeat from * around, ending with 2 dc in first sp used, ch 1, hdc in top of ch 3 to form last shell sp and complete first shell.
Rnd 6: Ch 3, dc in sp, in top of ch 3 and in next 7 dc * dc in next dc, ch 3, sk next dc, sc in next dc, ch 3, sk next dc, dc in next dc (lacet made over 5 sts), dc in next 8 dc, shell in next shell, dc in next 8 dc, repeat from * around, ending as on rnd 2.
Rnd 7: Ch 3, dc in sp and in top of ch 3 * dc in each dc across to within next lacet, dc in first dc of lacet, ch 1, holding back on hook last lp of each tr, tr in first dc and in second dc of lacet, thread over and draw through all 3 lps on hook, ch 1, dc in second dc of lacet (inverted lacet made over lacet), dc in each dc across to within next shell, shell in next shell, repeat from * around, ending as before.
Rnd 8: Ch 3, dc in sp, dc in top of ch 3 and in next 7 dc, * lacet over next 5 sts, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next st and in next ch 1 sp, lacet over next 5 sts, dc in next 8 dc, shell in next shell, dc in next 8 dc, repeat from * around, ending as before.
Rnd 9: Ch 3, dc in sp and top of ch 3 * (dc in each dc across to within next lacet, inverted lacet over lacet) twice, dc in each dc across to within next shell, shell in next shell (corner), repeat from * around, ending as before.
Rnd 10: Ch 3, dc in sp and top of ch 3, * dc in each st and sp across side to within center 5 dc, lacet over center 5 sts, dc in each sp and each st across remainder of side to corner shell sp, shell in corner shell sp, repeat from * around, ending as before. Fasten off. (19 dc each side of center lacet on each side of block). Make 123 blocks for single size or 142 blocks for double size spread.
Having a pansy block at each corner, alternating blocks and leaving chains free, sew back lps of each group of 19 dc together having 13 x 19 blocks for single size, or 14 x19 blocks for double size spread.
Rnd 1 (right side): Join white to center of one of 4 corner shells, 3 sc in corner shell sp, * sc in next 19 dc, 3 sc in each of next
Rnd 2: Ch 7, dc in joining (starting V st made), * ch 7, sk next 6 sc, sc in next 12 sc, ch 7, sk next 6 sc, in next sc make (dc, ch 3 and dc) for a V st, repeat from * around, ending with ch 3, tr in third ch st of ch 7 to form last lp.
Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in lp just formed, ** ch 5, in next corner V st sp make (dc, ch 3) twice and dc for a double V st, * ch 5, sc in next lp, ch 5, sk next sc, sc in next 10 sc, ch 5, sc in next lp, ch 5, V st in next V st sp for a V st over V st, repeat from * across side to within next corner V st sp, repeat from * * around, ending with ch 2, dc in first sc to form last lp.
Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in lp, ch 3, sc in next lp, ** ch 5, V st in first double V st sp, ch 4, V st in second double V st sp, * ch 5, sc in next lp, ch 3, sc in next lp, ch 5, sk next sc, sc in next 8 sc, ch 5, sc in next lp, ch 3, sc in next lp, ch 5, V st over V st, repeat from * across side to within next corner double V st, repeat from ** around, ending as on rnd 3.
Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in lp, ch 5, sk next ch 3, sc in next lp, ** ch 5, sc in first corner V st, ch 5, double V st in next ch 4 lp, ch 5, sc in second corner V st, * ch 5, sc in next lp, ch 5, sk next ch 3, sc in next lp, ch 5, sk next sc, sc in next 3 sc, ch 3, sc in next 3 sc, ch 5, sc in next lp, ch 5, sk next ch 3, sc in next lp, ch 5, V st over V st, repeat from * across side to within first V st of corner, repeat from ** around, ending with ch 5. Join to first sc.
Rnd 6: Ch 1, sc around making 4 sc in V st sps, 5 sc in ch 5 lps and 3 sc in ch 3 lps, join. Fasten off.

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