Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Egg Decorating Ideas:

Egg decoration is a craft project that can be enjoyed by children as well as adults, using materials that are readily available such as food coloring, embroidery thread, acrylic hobby paints, and of course eggs

thread wrapped eggs

egg wrapped with thread

 Using hollowed eggs, spread white glue on egg with a toothpick, working in sections. Wrap egg with embroidery thread.

thread wrapped egg

painted eggs

This egg was painted with acrylic paints.
Be sure to use hollowed eggs.
You can use the ends of paint brushes to make dots.
For a nice finish, coat with clear varnish.

wax resist eggs

Using the same supplies & techniques as used with Pysanky, you can use designs inspired by quilts or fabrics to create stunning eggs.

For information about Pysanky, follow this link:
Learn Pysanky

dyeing with food-colors:

  To 1/2 cup boiling water,
  add 1 teaspoon vinegar
  and approximately 1/2 bottle of food coloring (.3 oz sized bottle).
  Let mixture cool.
  Dip the eggs into the dye mixture...leave them in longer periods of time to create a darker color.
  This is safe for hard-boiled eggs, but also can be used on eggs that you plan to "blow out".
  Draw on the eggs with a white crayon before dyeing.
  Any areas covered by crayon will remain white.
  You can experiment with the dyes,
  Try dyeing one half of the egg red and the other half blue.
  Where the colors overlap, you will have a purple band of color.

u get many more from here...

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